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Bridgett was born in Michigan, a twin and youngest of 5 children.


Also, at the age of 5, Bridgett

began dancing!


Bridgett's mother, Mary Jane, was diagnosed

with Multiple Sclerosis, Bridgett, age 5, begins helping her mom walk, get dressed, and around the house.


At 15, she was introduced to modeling, but after a few photoshoots, she felt uninterested and uncomfortable. 

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At 19, she was working full-time as a secretary at Big Boy Headquarters. She was also a full-time college student, helping to fund her schooling, so she decided to give modeling a second chance.


A few days later, her boss at Big Boy Headquarters hands her a stack of faxes from modeling agencies around the world.

Bridgett's modeling career takes off, unexpectedly! 


Before she knew it, Bridgett was living in Miami and then Paris! It was her first time being away from home and flying on

a plane. 


Overtime the constant pressure to be a certain weight while surrounded by other models struggling with their body image led Bridgett to develop challenges with hers as well, taking her on a journey of disordered eating.


Bridgett realized that if she wanted to continue her career and maintain her mental health, then something would need to change. 


She began to educate herself about the mind-body connection. She started therapy and began her self-discovery journey, by reading endless books and attending Tony Robbins workshops led her to get certifications in holistic nutrition came into play. She took course after course to become certified as an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach (IIN) and Personal Trainer (WITS). 


Fast forward a few years, at 33, Bridgett married the love of her life. This was also when her life began to unravel as she faced profound personal losses. 

Bridgett having a successful modeling career and marrying ... (figure out_


Within two years, Bridgetts mother, father, and brother were quickly followed by a series of miscarriages and pregnancy losses, including identical twin girls at 5.5 months.


Desperately seeking normalcy, Bridgett had returned to modeling, but when her agency told her to lose weight despite being a size 6, she felt defeated. 


At 41, she hit rock bottom, crying in her closet over jeans that didn't fit, when her 3-year-old daughter asked, "Mommy, what are you doing?" 

At that moment, Bridgett realized she was repeating her mother's battle with her body and mind during her fight with Multiple Sclerosis.   

Felt familiar to ... 

Bridgett realized her body image was affecting her mental health, recognizing the familiarity she witnessed her mother go thorugh. 


Feeling completely hopeless, Bridgett decided to reach out for help to two longtime best friends marking her turning point as she consciously worked toward healing.​ Recognizing her desire to be a role model.... 


She embraced that healing would take time, reminding herself what Dad always told her "little by little," progress matters and taking it one step at a time.


Bridgett left the modeling industry and founded Beyond Beauty Project! Pouring her passion into it every day since. It's helped her heal, and she hopes it's also healing all of the BBP community!

2021 - 2022

She has since added Body Image Coach (Institute for Body Image) and Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Practitioner (EDIT) to her education so she can be more resourceful in helping her community heal. 

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We were on a billboard in Times Square! Bridgett is redefining what it means to be on a billboard!

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The journey keeps going!

Stay tuned for what's in store for BBP

and the BBP community!

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