When you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, stop and ask yourself...
"What is the next self-loving thing for me to do?"
-Dr. Susan Plunket
I always say we each need a box filled with personalized self-care tools. For me, this sets the foundation for everything to feel healthy and balanced in my life. Some of these tools I use daily, and some just as needed! My mental health, physical health, spiritual health, and relationships thrive when I am taking care of myself. After years of yo-yo dieting, living in the modeling world, and being a woman in this world ;) -- I genuinely understand that moving my focus away from my appearance to how I feel inside is what will make me my most beautiful. Below is my personalized Beyond Beauty Tool Kit. It seems so simple because it's all things we have heard before! -- But-- the "secret" part of your box is that you need to make the time for it!! Schedule it! -- mark time in your calendar for whatever fills you up because at the end of the day, isn't feeling our best what it's all about!? Xx, B
My Beyond Beauty Tool Kit:
Alone time
Talk Therapy
Sweaty workouts
Inspiring music
Dance parties with my family
Lots of water
Nourishing Foods
Deep breaths
Closing my eyes for 10 minutes during the day