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Note from BB about March 2023 ✨

Hi Beauties,

It's March, and this month is near and dear to my heart!

To start, it's Women's History Month, and if you know me, I pretty much came out of the womb championing for women. So, celebrating those who have helped us get the freedom we have today is my kind of month. I love my tribes of women —my confidantes, my dance partners, my ride or dies, the women who have my back and pick me up when I'm down. I have relied on them during extremely hard times but also had some of the most fun in life with them! Women supporting women are my kind of people, and I am fortunate to have them in my life!

March is also Multiple Sclerosis awareness month. My sweet Mom got diagnosed with MS when I was five years old. She was a hairdresser and had a genuine love for beauty products. When the MS started to impact my Mother's everyday routines, I spent a lot of time in her bedroom helping her put on her clothes and do her hair and makeup. Watching her mental and physical health deteriorate is a big part of why the Beyond Beauty Project exists today. And it is also why I am so passionate about us feeling the best we can from the inside out.

Lastly, it is also the month my Dad was born —March 19, 1939. A man whose kindness, intelligence, and ability to attentively listen without judgment touched so many lives. He was one of my very best friends. We could talk for hours, and no matter what was thrown our way, we devised a way to figure it all out. He's passed now, but his wisdom ran deep, and he lives on through the way I think and the person I am today.

As we start Women's History month, I want to thank all the women working daily to make the world a better place for us! I also want to thank the men, like my Father and husband, who see, hear, and support us.

Much love!



3/8 is International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day (IWD) is Wednesday, March 8th! This is a global day celebrating all of the inspiring social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day is also a call to action for accelerating gender parity and women’s equality.

There is still work to be done! According to the Women Economic Forum, it will take 132 years to reach full parity at the current rate of progress. This means that none of us, or our children, will see gender parity in our lifetime. We can all play a part in changing this. We hope you’ll spend International Women’s Day celebrating your own accomplishments, as well as your loved ones, and those who have and are continuing to pave the road for equality. Let’s continue to uplift one another with love, compassion, and encouragement. Let’s continue to send healthier messages to ourselves and the future generations to come. It takes a village.

MS Awareness Month

March is also Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month (MSAM). Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. This impacts the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves, causing unpredictable symptoms that can be temporary or long-lasting. There is currently no cure.

MSAM is a time to amplify the voices and stories of those living with MS to help spread awareness, as well as a time to bring attention to the current state of research on MS - including new ways to diagnose and treat the condition. It’s also a time for sufferers, family members, and supporters to share information, sympathy, and come together to support one another.

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